Crown Chakra/7th Chakra

The Crown Chakra is the place of pure consciousness. The Crown Chakra symbolizes the balance of duality within us and our ability to experience super consciousness.

Sanskrit name: Sahasrara (thousandfold)

Location: The crown of the skull

Symbol: A lotus with thousand petals

Central issue: Awareness, spiritual search for meaning, issues of karma and grace, spiritual awakening, divine discontent

Color: Purple, white, gold, silver

Essential Oils: Jasmine, frankincense

Crystals and Stones: Diamond, clear quartz, moldavite, selenite, pyrite

Stars and Astrological Signs: The planets Saturn and Neptune, the signs Capricorn and Pisces

Sound or mantra: Om

Body: The soul, the karmic, causal body

Orientation to self: Self-knowledge

Goals: Wisdom, knowledge, spiritual connection, consciousness

Rights: To know

Developmental stage: Throughout life

Identity: Universal identity

Level of relationship: Relationship to our life’s true purpose, relationship between the ego and the higher self, relationship to God and spirit

Demon: Attachment

Element: Thought Organs: The muscular and skeletal system, skin, central nervous system

Excessive: Over-intellectualization, spiritual addiction, confusion, dissociation from body

Deficient: Spiritual cynicism, learning difficulties, rigid belief systems, apathy, materialism, greed, domination of others

Balanced: Sense of spiritual connection, open-minded, wisdom and mastery, broad understanding, intelligent, thoughtful, aware, ability to perceive, analyze and assimilate information

Physical Dysfunctions: Energetic disorders, mystical depression, coma, migraines, brain tumors, amnesia, chronic exhaustion not linked to physical disorder, sensitivity to light, sound and other environmental factors

Addictions: Religion, spiritual practices

Traumas and Addictions: Spiritual abuse, forced religiosity, blind obedience, misinformation, lies, withheld information, invalidation of ones beliefs

Spiritual challenges: Hope and faith, spiritual conscience. Spiritual quests and questions of your life: For what purpose was I born? What is truth? What is the deeper meaning of life? Can I find that? Failure to hear and respond to these questions can lead to anxiety and depression

HEALING STRATEGY: Reestablish physical, emotional, spirit connection, spiritual discipline, meditation, examine belief systems, goal setting

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