Chakra Gemstones and Crystals

As you become familiar with stones, meditation, healing work, and the energies within and around you, you will begin to incorporate your awareness into different aspects of your life and consciousness. Studying and working with the Chakra system will help you become aware of the powerful life force that exists within our bodies, minds, our […]

Candle Magick-Candle Colors

Candles are an essential and important part of our everyday life. Candles in magick are a means of holding our focus and intent. **Note: when doing magick, make sure that your intent is pure as white magick can turn to grey and black magick. DO NOTHING TO HARM ANYONE NOR TO INTERFEAR WITH ANYONE’S FREE WILL. […]

Heart Chakra/4th Chakra

The Heart Chakra is not about falling in love, but instead it’s fire is fueled by the love of creation. Cleanse your Heart Chakra to receive unconditional love. Sanskrit name: Anahatra (unstruck) Location: Chest, heart, cardiac plexus Symbol: A circle surrounded by 12 lotus petals, and inside it a six-pointed star Central issues: Love, unconditional […]

Throat Chakra/5th Chakra

The Throat Chakra is from where we speak, our voice. When your Throat Chakra is not balanced it can cause many problems to manifest. Sanskrit name: Vissudha (purification) Location: Throat Symbol: A circle surrounded by 16 lotus petals, and inside it a circle, or a circle containing a triangle Central issue: Communication, self-expression, self-discipline, speaking […]

Third Eye Chakra/6th Chakra

The Third Eye Chakra is where we see our psychic visions. When you associate your self with the power within the Third Eye Chakra you are able to step beyond the mind, and entered the realm of knowledge and wisdom. Sanskrit name: Ajna (to perceive) Location: The center of the forehead, brow Symbol: A circle […]

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