Candle Flame Meaning

Candle flame meanings are very useful in doing candle magick. The flame of the candle can let you know if you are on track or you have more work to do. Candle emits black smoke – If the candle emits black smoke when it is lit, then it is beginning to remove negative energy from […]

Sacral Chakra/2nd Chakra

The Sacral Chakra when developed, will produce the necessary radiance to unite a bond of love with another soul and promotes the growth of consciousness to enlightenment. Sanskrit name: Svadhisthana (sweetness) Location: Lower abdomen Symbol: A circle surrounded by five or six lotus petals Central issue: Sexuality, emotions, financial, creativity, codes of honor and ethics […]

Crown Chakra/7th Chakra

The Crown Chakra is the place of pure consciousness. The Crown Chakra symbolizes the balance of duality within us and our ability to experience super consciousness. Sanskrit name: Sahasrara (thousandfold) Location: The crown of the skull Symbol: A lotus with thousand petals Central issue: Awareness, spiritual search for meaning, issues of karma and grace, spiritual awakening, […]

Solar Plexus Chakra/3rd Chakra

The Solar Plexus Chakra is where your spiritual power comes from. Sanskrit name: Manipura ( lustrous gem ) Location: Solar plexus, below the diaphragm Symbol: A circle surrounded by ten lotus petals, and inside it a triangle Central issue: Power, self-esteem, self-image, energy, will, responsibility Color: Yellow Essential Oils: Juniper, lavender, bergamot, rosemary Crystals and […]

Chakra Gemstones and Crystals

As you become familiar with stones, meditation, healing work, and the energies within and around you, you will begin to incorporate your awareness into different aspects of your life and consciousness. Studying and working with the Chakra system will help you become aware of the powerful life force that exists within our bodies, minds, our […]

Candle Magick-Candle Colors

Candles are an essential and important part of our everyday life. Candles in magick are a means of holding our focus and intent. **Note: when doing magick, make sure that your intent is pure as white magick can turn to grey and black magick. DO NOTHING TO HARM ANYONE NOR TO INTERFEAR WITH ANYONE’S FREE WILL. […]

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